Friday, 24 December 2010
'Twas the Night Before Christmas'
Friday, 17 December 2010
Happy Birthday, Jane dear

Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Take me to the Hermitage

Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Life Choices

Tuesday, 23 November 2010
A Lament O'er a Worm of Gummy
Monday, 22 November 2010
You're the Voice, Lexie

Saturday, 20 November 2010
'Me gusta mucho la musica de Shakira, porque tengo un obsesion con ella'

Tuesday, 9 November 2010
You Bring the Drama, I'll Bring the Kleenex
I mean, it is just beautiful.

When I say it, I of course mean, that Hugh Jackman is gorgeous. Look at him, all rugged and Indiana Jones sexy.
There is just something about the way Luhrman makes films that makes me want to watch them over and over- which generally means I sob my eyes out to Romeo + Juliet and Moulin Rouge! then put Strictly Ballroom on so I don't sink into a pit of despair.
Generally I don't do films with sad endings- I had a mild breakdown at the end of Gallipoli, I can't handle Braveheart or Gladiator. Then again I balled at some point of most Disney films- even Lilo and Stitch made me cry. I also famously cried at the end of Final Fantasy X.
I thought once that when I got older, I would stop finding films so sad. Apparently not.
Monday, 8 November 2010
It's Not a Film, It's a Lifestyle Choice

Saturday, 6 November 2010
I can resist anything but Final Fantasy-Disney hybrid
Monday, 1 November 2010
I Are Plumber.
(I have problems with my door, for example prior to my first meeting with my publisher I locked my self out after my shower and had to go ask the man next door to call me a very expensive locksmith. In pj's. Dripping wet.)
ANYWAY. Today, the toilet broke. For some reason, it just will not stop flushing. Me being the clever kid I am, I realised it was because this thing had fallen down, so I fixed it.

All Roads Lead to Gormenghast

Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Things I Thought I Knew

That is until I think of all the completely insane things I believed as a child. I blame my mother partially for this, since she let me read far too many stories as well as watching some pretty tripped out fairy tale videos. (I honestly think that the makers of children's television must be totally tripped. Have you seen In the Night Garden? I rest my case.)
Anyway, here are some of the things that a considerably smaller, impossible as that may same, me once held as verbatim, believed necessary or somehow grasped far too young.
1) The troll from the Billy Goats Gruff did not in fact live under a bridge. Instead, he lurked somewhere in my back garden and will attack me when he thinks I was alone. One such time would be when I was in the bathroom, as this backs onto the garden. The solution to this then was for me to talk to inanimate objects in the bathroom, such as the sink, toilet and bath to cunningly trick him into thinking I wasn't on my own and therefore prevent him from eating me.
2) Wee Willie Winkie was not in fact a kind little fellow that was going to come send me to sleep, but an evil creature possibly in allegiance with David Bowie's character from Labyrinth. Instead of slipping comfortably to sleep, I hid under my bed clothes with my eyes pressed shut praying that he wouldn't steal me.
3) That before being born, my younger sister had used her psychic fetus powers to find out that not only did I love Thomas the Tank Engine, but that I lacked a Percy toy. She had then gone to the special fetus shop, purchased it for me, and brought it with when she came out of my mother. (The stalk/cabbage patch story was useless on me since I spotted the umbilical cord). I was baffled for quite sometime as to how she managed to do all this, especially when I learned how babies were really made.
As I got older, I started to move away from these weird and wonderful accusations and somehow managed to learn some startling vocabulary. For example, when my Dad had to have our dog put down when I was five, I failed to grasp why this had to be done. Instead I told him I hated him and he was an evil murderer. Around this age I also once told a school dinner lady that her attempting to force me to eat food I didn't like made her a Nazi- which I had thus far understood as someone that made people do things they didn't want to.
My finest hour though, I believe, was aged 10, when I informed my Head Teacher that I would not sing the hymn she has insisted that we all learnt. When she demanded that I did, I told her that on the census I was not listed as Christian and therefore she could not make me sing a Christian song. Our school, I insisted, was not a religious school and it was against the law for her to make me sing about a God I didn't believe in.
It turns out I had overheard a conversation between my parents about what we should be listed as on the census, and the rather over zealous Christianity of the new head teacher. After I then remembered my mothers pin number, my parents stopped having important conversations while I was in earshot.
Clearly in moments of difficulty or dilema, I should begin to challenge my no nonsense ten year old former self. She suffers no fools, yo.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
And I shall call him Cuthbert

Monday, 18 October 2010

When you live near Derbyshire, every spare Sunday or Bank Holiday Monday is generally spent visiting the huge number of houses that the county has to offer. Chatsworth, aside from Hardwick Hall, has always been one of my favourites. The house also has a connection with Cavendish family, and in Jane's day that would have meant the infamous Duchess of Devonshire, Georgiana. Though Jane herself may never have gotten so far as Derbyshire, I'm headed over to see what I can scout out a la Pemberley. After all, there must be a reason she chose to situate Mr Darcy's stately home in Derbyshire.
That and it means I get to go home for a few days.
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Ode to a Keyboard
It turns out that proper keyboard keys have make an extremely fufilling click sound. I always wanted a type writer because something about the click of a typewriter key and watching the words appear on the page made me feel very motivated to write.
Apparently, so does this keyboard. At 12.26 am, when I have work in the morning. And a new memeber of staff. That I'm probably meant to be training. And I have to go on a research trip on Monday.
The click is far to alluring. Look how creative I am. See how much I look like I should be in a movie montage when I click away determindley at my keyboard like a real writer. Which you know, is funny, because instead of writing a short story I've been attempting to finish for almost a year, I should probably be working on the thing that I'm actually going to be having published.
Or you know, asleep.
Friday, 15 October 2010
Hi, my name is Sian
Anyway. One day, out of the blue, she approached me in the SU, asked me a question, which I automatically answered, and left.
It was only as she was walking away that I realised she had not called me Lauren, or any variation of my name, but Sian. Over the next few weeks she continued to call me Sian and leave almost immediately.
I never told her my name was not in fact Sian. I began to dread classes with her, realising that if she were now, after weeks of calling me Sian, to realise that it was in fact not my name, the situation would be awkward. Not just with her, but what if thanks to her other people began to call me Sian? How would I explain that I simply had never corrected her? How could I go on? Would I suddenly split, Jekyll and Hyde style, in to two different people!? The horror, the horror!
Thankfully she dropped out aronud Christmas and apart from the occasional teasing from my uni friends, I was to be Sian no more.
That is, UNTIL TODAY. Picture the scene: an ambitous third year steps down from the bus for her first week of lectures, sporting a highly fashionable pixie hair cut and a determined demeanor. She has by now established who she is, her person, her...
And she's there! Turns out she's started back on a different course and I'm hoping that with her being pretty spaced out she won't recognise me with a different hair cut. However I will have to avoid her like she is the actual plague for fear of her calling me Sian.
Otherwise I meant end up at gradution, them calling out my name and being all, who the hell is this kid? Oh, it's Sian!
Monday, 11 October 2010
For Amy
Saturday, 9 October 2010
The Age of Appliances
I feel that 21 is an appropriate age to start buying kitchen appliances. Also I decided not get the novelty rice cooker and settled on a very sensible looking one from Argos. Admittedly, fact that the sensible cooker was more than half the price of the novelty helped.
Despite the fact I'll come out at the end of the year steeped in debt and therefore have to move back into my parents house, I feel as though my purchasing a kitchen appliance gives me a certain amount of independence. I will install it in my parents kitchen as a sign of my individuality and grown-upness. I will make grown up meals in it.
Which I will then eat on my Little Mermaid plate, while drinking juice out of my Peter Rabbit glass. And I'll store the left overs in my Darth Vader lunch box. Then go to my room with my collection of Disney themed soft toys and my array of Star Wars memorabilia. It's okay though because by then I'll hopefully have finally swapped my little single bed for a double. That makes it okay, right?
I think I'm adapting to being a grown up really well.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
A Dedicated Post
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Trains, Trains and the odd Automobile
(And it's probably not, since it's pretty irrational fear and a crap one at that. I read in a magazine about a woman who had a phobia of the male genitalia. Honestly.)
Despite my elation at conquering said fear, I may cry if I have to run across one more platform lugging my ill-thought out luggage- I'm a terrible packer. However, despite late trains, trains in the wrong direction, drunk welsh football fans and freezing compartments I feel like quite the veteran traveller. Considering that when I first came to uni my first train journey consisted of me getting lost at Bristol Temple Meads station, not understanding which tickets were which and holding everyone up at the barriers, then going out the wrong exit at Derby and not being allowed back in the station, my being able to navigate platforms logically is quite the achievement.
It may not be much, but I'm running with it.
Plus my fringe is starting to grow back out so I know longer look like an unfortunate small boy, thank god.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Me and My Shadow
I decided to watch Friends re runs to take my mind off the sheer amount of Austen work I've been doing these last few days.
I never realised that Olivia Williams plays the bridesmaid in the London episode. And of course, the first thing that I thought was "My god, Joey is kissing Jane Austen!"
Sunday, 19 September 2010
All for the love of Jane
My planning skills amaze even me sometimes.
But still, tomorrow I get to see Godmersham Park, home of Jane's third brother Edward which I have to admit is really exciting. Hopefully I'll be able to get some great pictures for the book, which of course is my main reason for visiting.
Obviously, being me my main worry is not the long journey or getting what I need but how to dress. I quickly realised when people meet me they aren't quite expecting a 20 year old with a pixie crop hair cut, so a Wonder Woman tshirt is probably not the best choice of outfit. On the other hand, I've got spend about six hours on a train so my pencil skirt and blouse is not going to be comfortable AT ALL.
Clearly this is another of my trials as a twentysomething- the art of dressing accurately.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
"My mind," he said, "rebels at stagnation... But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation.' - Sherlock Holmes in The Sign of Four
Today it has rained. And rained, and just to top it all off, rained some more. As a result I have spent the entire day sat inside, in a hoodie and joggers feeling entirely and utterly unmotivated. Are there plenty of things for me to do? Oh yes. Not only do I have a lecturer to prepare, books to read, a book to write and never mind the ungodly state of my bedroom, I have sat in this chair for the past three hours.
It's not so much the fact that I wanted to go out. My plan was in fact to spend the day inside working, but the fact that its raining suddenly makes it feel as if I'm trapped inside, hence my listelessness. Clearly it's just another case of my wanting what I can't have, but still, it's left me almost totally unmotivated.
Am I bored? Probably. Will I do something about it? Probably not.
Monday, 6 September 2010
The Dawn of My Actual Life

Sunday, 25 July 2010
Thats Miss Wonderland to You

Friday, 23 July 2010
Mueve la calita, mamita rica!
It's to a Spanish song called Mueve la Calita, and as I had guessed when they told me the name of the song, the main dance move is to shake yo thang. Mueve la calita is basically a command to shake your butt, and the dance is pretty fun. However, as they were teaching it to me I began to realize that the lyrics we're not exactly wholesome. Sadly my out of practice Spanish meant that I couldn't quite translate it- though it seemed they don't know what it means, because they didn't know to go right when they said derecha and left on izquierda.
It turns out it might be a good thing if they don't get it.
So, on 'mueve la calita, mamita rica'- shake that ass cute mamma, basically, you'll do a little wiggle. But then there's this bit:
Adónde le gusta a las mujeres? AhÃ, ahÃ! Y cómo es que le hacen los hombres? AsÃ, asÃ!
Which means:
Where do like it girls? There, there! And how do the men do it? Like this, like this!
As one might imagine, the move here of course is a hip thrust. Not quite as wholesome as Whigfield's Saturday Night then....
Saturday, 17 July 2010
'I'm come home: I'd lost my way on the moor!

She might not have been too kind towards our Jane, but Charlotte Brontë has always been my favourite of the three. Emily might have the Gothic edge and I've always had a place for the underrated Anne, but it's Jane Eyre that always calls me back. That is until to we arrive in Haworth, and from the coach, walk down a windy path past an extensive graveyard and across some cobbled streets and up to the little cottage.

(Photos thanks to my Italian comrade Ilaria)
I won't lie to you, as we walked along I thought I'd see Cathy begging at the windows. The wind was raging like it only can in Yorkshire and despite it being July, we were freezing cold- not that any other weather could have set the scene better.
It was, apart from the 60 Italian students I was herding, perfect. It was everything I imagined that it would be. The first time I read any Brontë was in Yorkshire, so to an extent I've always known the landscape, the people, the sounds and the smells that I was being taken to. But at Haworth it seemed even more alive. The graveyard is almost as large as the village is and you do feel like there is no world outside what you can see in front of you.
You can't help but think of Wuthering Heights. Luckily I had put my geeks intuition to use and remembered to take my copy along with me and though I did resist the urge to gather the children round for an atmospheric reading, I did have a quick moment to read over the passage in which Cathy appears to Lockwood:
So though my students probably came away still not entirely sure what they'd been doing there in the first place, I can surely say that I'll be glad to go back.
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Eight Days a Week

We saw the Cavern Club. I resisted the tourist inside me, mainly because I broke my camera before my job started, but I'll leave that out when I tell the story. I also resisted screaming outside 'The Beatles Story' despite my thinking that everyone would appreciate my reconstruction of Beatlemania. After all, I was trying to look responsible in front of 50 Italian children. Then again, considering a built my relationship with them on my not so secret love of Twilight and shameless moves on the dancefloor, they probably wouldn't have been to surprised.

I'm not going to lie, it could have been crap and I'd have loved it. But it wasn't. It was amazing. Honestly, I adored the entire thing- apart from the slightly odd looking models of them in recording studio it was all very well done. Even though I hold a long standing dislike for the entire Yellow Submarine bag, the fact they'd got one you could walk through impressed both me and the thirteen year olds.
As of course, did the gift shop. I couldn't help myself, I had to do it- I told myself I would only buy things for Gavin, my Beatles guru, but of course then realised I had already bought him a Beatles mug the other Christmas and Revolver is my favourite album, so maybe I ought to keep the huge postcard I bought...
And if you think this is bad, wait until I blog after my visit to the Bronte house.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
You are the case to my heart!
Honestly, they may walk slowly, play 'Waka Waka' too often and speak unthinkably loud but I LOVE them.
Now that they have been here a few days and gotten to know us, they are all pretty talkative. They say hello to us when they see us, they come over to talk to us- one group even came up to me and asked if I could make sure I would be leading them in the afternoon activity. Most of them are around thirteen, which I suppose is the age in which you think a 20 year old lunatic is the coolest person ever.
We threw them a rave disco, which resulted in my fellow activity monitor Megan and I decked out in uv paint, pink legwarmers and green marker up are arms. Instead of being embarrassed, they all wanted paint like ours- and they copy our dance moves. It may be possible that my affection for them results primarily from the fact that unlike the majority of my acquaintance they think I'm hella cool but it warms the cynical depths of my heart to know that they're having a good time because of my efforts/ridiculous behaviour.
The older boys however are hilarious. They constantly joke with us and though on occasion they are the biggest pains in the arse known to existence, they can be very good fun at things like the disco. For example, picking me up and making me dance with them on a table, which resulted in the whole of the kids cheering and clapping.
Obviously they love my dancing.
But the funniest thing is their flirting- if they weren't Italian I'd be very worried by it, but it seems to be a trait of their male species. To us it's so over the top, telling us we are 'so beauty' and kissing our hands- one boy keeps telling me I am 'the case to his heart', which is rather amusing.
So despite their numerous annoying habits, they've won me over. Keep your eye on the news, I'm considering mass kidnap.
Saturday, 3 July 2010
'And chaos shall fall, and he shalt be named Waka Waka!'
Add 6 optimistic university students with 200 Italian under sixteens, multiply it by 1 disco, 3 bus journeys and two footballs. Multiply the sum by one very large and mostly unsupervised campus- what would be the product?
Chaos. Sheer, and utter chaos. Chaos with it's own theme tune even- chaos constantly accompnied by Shakira singing 'Waka Waka' over and over.
(Don't get me wrong, I totally LOVE Shakira, but even I can't handle it)
In three days we have had one child lost, one group claming to be another, not enough rooms, a teacher turning up two weeks early and demanding to be housed, failed attempts at maintaing curfew and one child in an ambulance with a broken leg.
To top it off, we're living in an 'eco-house'. Now, the house should be like a Thermos- hot when it needs to be, cold when it needs to be. BUT NO. IT IS ALWAYS, ALWAYS HOT. We're having some very hot days yet somehow, it is cooler outside in the glaring sun than inside our state of the art rooms.
What... the.... eff?
Side note- I'm enjoying it really. It's not a bad job, looking after all these kids. They are for the most part pretty sweet, and they're all quite nice. Last night at the disco I found it was my job to start the dancing. Que total humilation as I taught them the Cha Cha Slide, the Macarena and of course Saturday Night.
It was beautiful.
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
No, I will not let you get what you want!
I don't like The Smiths. I honestly die a little inside when I hear the intolerable whine of Morrisey's voice and I am instantly distrusting of anyone who likes them- which is difficult because I appear to be one of the only people who doesn't like them. And maybe thats why everyone seems to assume I would like them too.
Now, I understand why they might think this. A few of my favourite films feature them on their soundtracks, they are Jesse Lacy's (lead singer of Brand New and my one and only true love) favourite band and my general personality and musical inclinations might well imply I would love The Smiths.
It's a bit like me and Dickens I suppose. When I was younger and I began my classics phase, Dickens was maybe the fifth author I came to and I expected to love him. I was convinced that his works would be my favourites, that I would adore them and re-read them again and again.
I can't stand them. Maybe I'll re-read them and suddenly enjoy them, but so far each one I've attempted has sent me running back to the safety of the Bronte's and Miss Austen. Maybe it's the anticipation- or maybe it's the face that the more people assumed I liked The Smiths, the more I began to detest them.
Gavin, who loves them, can never understand them. And though he mananged to convince me to give the Beatles a chance- yes I know, what a heathen I am! But I do now love them- he has never been able to bring me round to The Smiths. Everytime I hear their music it makes me want to imitate my three year old cousin and put my hands over my ears and scream to block it out.
I'm aware theres not much point to this blog. I just really don't like The Smiths.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Dangerous Liaisons
Yes- we've all done it. And even if we've not done it literally, most of us will at least have had a drunken embrace with a stranger in a dingy, sticky club. It's a funny thing, this act of sexual conquest. On the one hand you feel as if you should swagger along the next day, on the other you feel as if you should hang your head in shame and review your morals.
In light of my previous lament upon relationships, a friend and I got talking about the fact the despite our general lack of relationships, there’s always those drunken moments on a night out. I noted however that getting blind drunk and snogging some loose –pun intended- acquaintance is probably worse for us in the long run despite the temporary high it may put us on.
So why do we do it? For one, as my friend pointed out, its one of the easiest ways to meet potential partners. Of course, ending up in bed with them is probably not the best first impression but the point still stands. With a few drinks down you and dressed your best, we are probably more likely to start random conversations on a night out.
Of course, there is also the fact that we’re all in our twenties, we’re students and for some reason we think that exempts us from the usual rules of etiquette. A female friend of mine likes to live by the following motto:
If I can’t remember it, it didn’t happen
As students we live alone, we’re out of the clutches of our parents and generally we’re encouraged into oblivion by unthinkably cheap drinks. It’s okay if we’re so drunk we don’t know what we’re doing, it’s usually not a problem- everyone else is just as intoxicated as you are! Of course in my case, it’s often caught on camera- as you can see below….

Here’s the real truth of it all though: no matter how good an idea it seemed at the time, it will always come back to haunt you. My housemate Hannah has discovered this on many occasions and as for me I NEVER seem to be able to escape them
They appear everywhere. While you’re dragging myself round Sainsburys looking for cold medicine and comfort food, on a date with some one else, as an ex boyfriends housemate, out on a night out with another former datee that turns out to be their best friend.
It is never, ever, ever pretty. Never. Seriously. You will find yourself diving into a nearby clothes shop and knocking over eighty pound shoes in an attempt to escape them. You will never again be able to go out make-upless in your holey sweatpants to by unseemly amounts of chocolate. They will be there, popping round the corner of the aisle when you very least expect it for the rest of your university life.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
And how do you like your lobster cooked?
Yes I have commited the createst of all sins. I have underestimated both my own inability to tan and the British weather. Despite lathering my usual points of burning- shoulders, chest, nose, ears with sun cream, I have managed to instead burn the back of my legs and my back. They are now a rather unattractive, and fairly painful shade of red.
I'm currently covered in sudacreme and probably will be unable to sit down for the next few hours. Needless to say I will probably be wearing knee length dresses for the next few day to ensure that I'm not quite so red when I got away this weekend as unlike my sister, who tans envibly easy, I'll probably just as pale as I was before. Maybe slightly more freckled, but that would be about it.
I should have known better than to sit out in the middle of the day. On holiday abroad I am generally the single oddbod hiding under a parasol peering nervously over a book while everyone else frolicks in the sun.
Dare I join them? Should I venture out? Maybe take a dip in the pool?
Haha, oh no no. This would result in either a) sunburn, b) over heating and eventual fainting or c) ten gruelling minutes in which I will sit there sweating whilst I attmpet not to smudge the ink and using copious amounts of suncream and water spray to try to prevent options a) and b) before eventually giving up and scurrying back into my dim lair.
Monday, 21 June 2010
Upon my Apparent Decent into Spinsterhood
Good lord, I’m the last single one.
Now, don’t get me wrong- I’ve had offers, a few dates here and there. So technically (presuming of course that these offers would still stand after they realised what I’m really like, but that’s not the point), I could be in a relationship if I wanted to. Yes, I am aware that all the poor desperate single girls probably say that they don’t want a relationship then sit at home crying, but honestly I can’t imagine sharing my bed/space/food or giving them the countless hours I could otherwise spend watching shows online whilst playing video games.
However it is a little worrying. Not only am I the only singleton in the family, I seem to be quickly turning into Bridget Jones amongst my friends. Both my best female friends at home are in relationships, as is my best guy Gavin. April even has her whirlwind summer turned soul mate story to tell and though it makes me a little sick in my mouth, part of me is jealous and Gavin, once my cynical anti relationship cohort, posts facebook status that are often just his girl friends name. Even my single comrade in arms Keagan revealed to me recently that he had found himself considering a relationship.
Could it be that before I know it I will be alone on Christmas wearing god awful pyjamas, downing the vodka and doing a stunning rendition of ‘All by Myself’? Will I sit alone at dinner tables while the couples look upon me pityingly? Will I be the crazy lady with cats lamenting her lost youth?
(The last one is probably inevitable either way)
Thursday, 13 May 2010
'If somebody doesn't believe in me, I can't believe in them'

I'm not going to lie to you, I was secretly pleased when eighties fashion made a come back. Whenever I wear my blazer and white rimmed sunglasses I have to resist the temptation to start dancing like The Duck man.
(When I say resist, I mean that I check no ones watching then bust a move)
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Saturday, 24 April 2010
A treat from Paul & Joe

It comes in this lovely cardboard box, then inside the tin is a mirror, blotting paper and lipstick. Yes, all very girly but what can you do? It's a Wonderland must.