Saturday, 25 September 2010
Trains, Trains and the odd Automobile
(And it's probably not, since it's pretty irrational fear and a crap one at that. I read in a magazine about a woman who had a phobia of the male genitalia. Honestly.)
Despite my elation at conquering said fear, I may cry if I have to run across one more platform lugging my ill-thought out luggage- I'm a terrible packer. However, despite late trains, trains in the wrong direction, drunk welsh football fans and freezing compartments I feel like quite the veteran traveller. Considering that when I first came to uni my first train journey consisted of me getting lost at Bristol Temple Meads station, not understanding which tickets were which and holding everyone up at the barriers, then going out the wrong exit at Derby and not being allowed back in the station, my being able to navigate platforms logically is quite the achievement.
It may not be much, but I'm running with it.
Plus my fringe is starting to grow back out so I know longer look like an unfortunate small boy, thank god.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Me and My Shadow
I decided to watch Friends re runs to take my mind off the sheer amount of Austen work I've been doing these last few days.
I never realised that Olivia Williams plays the bridesmaid in the London episode. And of course, the first thing that I thought was "My god, Joey is kissing Jane Austen!"
Sunday, 19 September 2010
All for the love of Jane
My planning skills amaze even me sometimes.
But still, tomorrow I get to see Godmersham Park, home of Jane's third brother Edward which I have to admit is really exciting. Hopefully I'll be able to get some great pictures for the book, which of course is my main reason for visiting.
Obviously, being me my main worry is not the long journey or getting what I need but how to dress. I quickly realised when people meet me they aren't quite expecting a 20 year old with a pixie crop hair cut, so a Wonder Woman tshirt is probably not the best choice of outfit. On the other hand, I've got spend about six hours on a train so my pencil skirt and blouse is not going to be comfortable AT ALL.
Clearly this is another of my trials as a twentysomething- the art of dressing accurately.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
"My mind," he said, "rebels at stagnation... But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation.' - Sherlock Holmes in The Sign of Four
Today it has rained. And rained, and just to top it all off, rained some more. As a result I have spent the entire day sat inside, in a hoodie and joggers feeling entirely and utterly unmotivated. Are there plenty of things for me to do? Oh yes. Not only do I have a lecturer to prepare, books to read, a book to write and never mind the ungodly state of my bedroom, I have sat in this chair for the past three hours.
It's not so much the fact that I wanted to go out. My plan was in fact to spend the day inside working, but the fact that its raining suddenly makes it feel as if I'm trapped inside, hence my listelessness. Clearly it's just another case of my wanting what I can't have, but still, it's left me almost totally unmotivated.
Am I bored? Probably. Will I do something about it? Probably not.
Monday, 6 September 2010
The Dawn of My Actual Life